NetRadar - Networking tool focused on mapping local and WiFi networks

NetRadar is a Networking tool focused on mapping local and WiFi networks. It provides detailed information about connected devices, open ports, servers and automated scans for WiFi networks.NetRadar is a Networking tool focused on mapping local networks and WiFi. Provides detailed information on connected devices, port..

Good i am XDeadHackerX and I want to introduce you to my new tool called NetRadar. This Tool is focused on Networking specifically to Mapping of Local Networks and Wifi Networks. At the level of Local Network, is capable of analyzing all connected Devices ( MAC, MAC Seller, Operating System, Name, Device Type ), all open Ports of each IP ( Port, Service, Service Version, Status, Banner ), find Servers ( Name, Operating System, Service Version, Domain, Ports, etc. ) At the level of Wifi network we find 4 types of fully automated and very powerful scans ( Aircrack-ng, Bettercap, NmCli and Wash ), at the end of the scan it will generate a Chart *in which he shows you a scheme of the Wifi networks detected ( MAC, Distance from our Wifi Network Card, Beacons, Channel, Router Speed, Encryption, AUTH and Wifi Network Name ) and the Connected devices to each Network, showing you ( Mac, Mac Manufacturer, Device type and time connected to the Network ).

As an extra, NetRadar bring a Kit which is capable of grouping in a summarized and clean way very interesting information about the Team, the Network Card and the Wifi Network Card [ Options 1 and 2 ]. [ I DO NOT MAKE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE BAD USE OF THIS TOOL ]

πŸ’‘Functions πŸ’‘

 Network Card Information + Team - > [Public IP, Local IP, DNS, MAC, Operating System, Internet Speed Test ] [ Graphic Example ]

 Information Wifi Network Card + Utilities - > [Info Network Card ( Technical Data, Interface, Drivers, Chipset, MACs, Network Card Compatible Modes ( Monitor Mode, AP, P2P-client, etc ), In which Mode is the Network Card ( Monitor or Managed ), Data Transfer Rate, Supported FrequenciesActivate Monitor Mode ( Activate Monitor Mode and Change MAC, DOES NOT LACK TO USE TOOL ), Reset Network Card ( Deactivates Monitor Mode, Defaults MAC and Restarts NetworkManager )[ Graphic Example ]

 Local Network Scanner ( A Device ) - > [Quick Scan Ports ( N ° Ports, State, Service of each Port, Mac, Seller Mac ), Advanced Scan Ports ( N ° Ports, State, Service of each Port, Version of each Service, Content Information of each Port, Mac, Mac Seller, Operating System, if you have Host Information about it ), Windows Scan + Samba ( Advanced Scanning of the 65535 Ports, User Listing = In case of Power, Domain Recognition = Name, SMB Recognition = Permits, Access, Class, Windows Assigned Device Name ), NetBios scan ( Advanced Scan of the 65535 Ports, NetBios Name, Server Type / Name, Users = In case of Power )[ Graphic Example ]

Local Network Scanner ( Various Devices - > [Quick IPs scan ( IPs, MAC, Mac Seller ), Quick Scan IPs + Ports ( IPs, N ° Ports, Service of each Port, Mac, Seller Mac ),Continuous Scan IPs ( IPs, MAC, Mac Seller, Name, KB Sent and Received ), Advanced Scanning IPs Ports ( N ° Ports, State, Service of each Port, Version of each Service, Content Information of each Port, Mac, Mac Seller, Operating System, if you have Host Information about it ), Scanning in Search of a Specific Service ( HTTP / HTTPS, SMB, FTP, SSH, Telnet, Windows, NetBIOS )[ Graphic Example ]

 Wifi Networks Scanner - > [Option to do the scan with Aircrack-ng, Bettercap, NmCli and WashIn the case of using Aircrack-ng when the scan ends, it creates a Chart where he shows you a scheme of the Wifi Networks Detected ( MAC, Distance from our Wifi Network Card, Beacons, Channel, Router Speed, Encryption, AUTH and Wifi Network Name ) and the Connected devices to each Network, showing you ( Mac, Mac Manufacturer, Device type and time connected to the Network )[ Graphic Example ]

Devices Scanner Connected to a Wifi Network - > [Show the Wifi devices connected to a Wifi Network, when the scan ends it creates a Graph in which it shows you an outline of the connected devices showing the MAC of the devices, the amount of Traffic, the distance between each device and our Network Card, the loss packages, Notes and Tests.[ Graphic Example ]

πŸ› Install Tool πŸ› 

0 ) Install and use the Tool with Root

1 ) sudo apt update & & apt -y full-upgrade

2 ) sudo apt-get install git

3 ) git clone

4 ) cd NetRadar

5 ) chmod 777

6 ) bash

7 ) Choose a language

8 ) We can already enjoy the tool

🎲Take Account πŸŽ²

[ 1 ] If you use the Tool to scan IP addresses it will work perfect except for having a VPN activated, with the use of VPN most servers give wrong answers about their ports.

[ 2 ] In case you have an older version downloaded, I advise you to delete it and reinstall the ( + requirements ) tool to fix errors and get improvements, that make the tool much better than previous versions.

[ 3 ] If within the option ( [ 4 ] Scanning of All Devices of the Local Network ) in the section ( [ 6 ] Search Services [ HTTP, SMB , FTP, SSH,.] ) gets caught, just wait 3 minutes, This occurs due to an error with one of the tools and you are dumping the wrong output into the background and the correct Information is launching it by terminal.

πŸ”ŽVersions πŸ”Ž

[ v1.0 ]

πŸ“·Captures πŸ“·

Network Card Information + Team

Information Wifi Network Card + Utilities

Local Network Scanner ( A Device )

Local Network Scanner ( Various Devices )

Wifi Networks Scanner

⭐ ☕ Created by XDeadHackerX ☕ ⭐

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