Direct Top UP & Vouchers for your games.
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π² Quick Topup on Player IDπ Jazzcash /Easypasia /Bank
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Check Out Our Deals
π² Quick Topup on Player ID
π Jazzcash /Easypasia /Bank
All Other Games Top-Up & Vouchers are also available.
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All Other Games Top-Up & Vouchers are also available.
Gaming Shop Terms & Conditions.
During the purchase, you have to wait from 5-10 minutes in some cases a day for the product to receive. You have to send us screenshot of our product within 15 minutes otherwise, we will not be held responsible if you didn't receive the product.
During payment you have to send proof of payment i.e transaction ID or screenshot, also you need to send payment first.
Fraud & Runaways.
In case of fraud, not delivering payment to us, or not answering our messages and calls we will hold on to your accounts and sue you for RS 50k plus the payment amount.
We will charge money from your accounts by any means necessary without your permission or letting you know.
This will only happen in case we deliver your product first and you didn't pay us even we contact you many times or you blocked us or run away. We will make sure to find you or your accounts and deduct the money by any mean necessary even by force.
Gaming shop provide different offers and discounts and we can change them without noticing our customers.
Accounts Ban.
Gaming shop is not responsible if your accounts are getting banned after purchasing products from us, we are resellers and not officially connected with the apps and games.